Sometimes, users may no longer be with the company, or their accounts may no longer be actively used on the platform. As a result, their user profiles may need to be deactivated. This helps maintain the accuracy and security of the system by ensuring inactive accounts are properly managed. To deactivate a profile, you can do this through the Site Administration menu by selecting the 'Manage Users' link under the General column.
To Inactivate a User:
- Click the red slider icon on the right-hand side of the page to open Site Admin Settings.
Helpful Hint: If you don't see the red slider icon, then you do not have access to make this change. Please check with your Site Admin to get the changes made that you need.
- Under "Users / Contacts / Companies," click Manager Users.
- Search for the user in the search bar.
- Once you have located the user, click Make Inactive on the left-hand side.
Helpful Hint: If the user is still a Project Admin in any of their projects, they will need to replaced with another Project Admin prior to making them inactive.
To Replace a User with Another Project Admin:
- Click the red slider icon on the right-hand side of the page to open Site Admin Settings.
Helpful Hint: If you don't see the red slider icon, then you do not have access to make this change. Please check with your Site Admin to get the changes made that you need.
- Under "Users / Contacts / Companies," click Manager Users.
- Search for the user in the search bar.
- Click the blue link for the number of projects they are in.
- Click the 'Is Project Admin' tab to sort the projects, displaying those where the user is a Project Admin at the top.
- Select the projects where the user is the Project Admin.
- At the top bar, you'll see an option to select a New Project Admin.
Helpful Hint: It is a recommend that the new Project Admin is somebody that is familar with being an admin. Often times, this can be temporarily replaced for a Site Admin.
- Select the New Project Admin.
- Hit "Remove From Projects."