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How do I change a Role to assign them an Action List item?

In order for you to assign a responsibility to a role for an action list item whether it be an internal or external role, that role must have access to see and complete the action list items under a given checklist/punchlist (commonly called thread). You can easily make changes to that thread through the administration of the project.

To update the Access Rights:

  1. From inside the project, click the red gear icon on the right-hand side of the page to open Project Admin Settings
    Helpful Hint: If you don't see the red gear icon, then you do not have access to make this change. Please check with your Site Admin to get the changes made that you need.
  2. Under" "Modules", click Action Lists
  3. Click the desired thread you wish to make changes to.
  4. Find the role in the list and check the boxes next to View and Complete.
  5. Click Save.

Now you can assign any user in that specific Role (ex. External-Contractor) an action list item in that specific Action List thread (ex. 1 - Substantial Completion Punchlist). If you set up these settings in your Master Project Template, new projects will have this permission set upon creation.

To update the item's Responsibility assignment:

  1. From inside the project, click Tasks on the left-hand menu
  2. Click Action List and select the list you wish to open (ex. 1 - Substantial Completion Punchlist).
  3. Click on an item in the list to assign a user to.
    Helpful Hint: You can also select the check-box next to multiple tasks and select Edit Multiple if you want to assign the same user/role to more than one task on the list.
  4. Under Responsibility on the "Details" tab, click in the field to select a User to assign to task.
    Helpful Hint: You can also select Role and choose a role within the project in place of an individual user.
  5. Click Save in the top-right corner.

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