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How can I manage the first recipient in my Submittals?

First recipient defined:

  • The first recipient is the project team member who initially receives any submittals to be reviewed.
  • The first recipient can either route submittals to other project team members to get their feedback or enter the final action immediately without consulting other project team members.
    Helpful Hint: Most of the time, the Architect is responsible for reviewing submittals; however, your organization can choose any user to perform this task.

How can I change who the first recipient is in my Submittals?

  1. Go to My Projects and select the project you wish to update the first recipient for Submittals.
  2. From inside the project, click the red gear icon on the right-hand side of the page to open Project Admin Settings
    Helpful Hint: If you don't see the red gear icon, then you do not have access to make this change. Please check with your Site Admin to get the changes made that you need.
  • Under Construction Management, click the Submittal / Shop Drawing option. 
  • Select the submittal thread where you want to set or change the first recipient.
  • Find the First Recipient fieldSelect the appropriate user from the drop-down.
    Helpful Hint: If the individual is not listed as an option in the First Recipient drop-down, then perform the following checks:
    1.  Is the individual a user in this project?
    2.  Is the individual in the correct role in this project?
    3.  Does this individual's role have at least Add and Route access rights?
  • Hit the Save button to keep these changes.

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